Best Laid Plan(t)s


2 Male, 2 Female, 2 Nonbinary/queer


Bennett won't believe what his best friend and sister keep telling him: his girlfriend Nina is maybe a little toxic. And Bennett won't believe what Nina is telling him: that his best friend Jason has feelings for him. After a destructive but maybe accidental event, Bennett is stunned to discover that labels lose and love wins--if only someone other than his plants will believe him.


BENNETT: mid-30s, male
JASON: mid-20s-mid-30s, male
NINA: Early to late 20s, female
WENDY: 40ish, six or seven years older than Bennett
XYLER: a plant
NTHIS: a plant

Casting Note:

Plants are flexible, i.e. can be played with costumed actors, puppets, or voiced. Ideally, they are cast with queer actors/puppeteers. Actors voices should not be such that would encourage audiences to assign gender.

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